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What are Software Language Levels?

Writer's picture: Ethan PaolettiEthan Paoletti

Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Man sitting at desk with computer with different programming languages in the air above his head.
The Spectrum of Programming Languages

At Ammonite Softworks, our focus extends beyond software solutions. We're committed to nurturing a vibrant community of learners and creators. Our upcoming series will kick off with an exploration of language levels in programming—a crucial distinction that sets apart various programming languages.

Following this introduction, our subsequent installments will take a deeper dive into the intricate structures, rules, and unique features of these programming languages. We'll illuminate how each language occupies its own specialized niche in the vast programming landscape.

Moreover, we'll delve into how different career paths align with these languages and discuss the evolving trends anticipated to shape their trajectories in 2024.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only. Please research and confirm any information before making any career decisions.

Table of Contents

Defining Software Language Levels

In the realm of computer programming, language levels help to convey how far removed a software language is from the base language of a computing system. This measure, known as "abstraction," delineates the distance between a language and fundamental computer code. These levels, categorized as high, medium, and low, showcase the varying degrees of this proximity to basic computer understanding.

Put another way, high-level languages are more similar to human language, so they're easier for us to understand. They're quicker to write in and are better for big projects. But they run slower than lower-level languages, and they often rely on other software, like a virtual machine or interpreter. This can make things complicated when fixing bugs or if the support software stops getting updates.

Lower-level software is closer to how the computer's hardware works. The instructions are more like secret codes and are closer to the computer's base language. These languages take longer to write, are harder for beginners, and are tricky to handle for very big projects. However, they offer a lot of control over the hardware.

Another big difference between languages is how they're processed. Again, abstraction is key here. Higher-level languages turn into a more general, but less optimized, form that can work on different systems. Lower-level languages become more tied to a specific platform, making them less movable but highly optimized and fast to run.

High-Level Programming Languages

High-level languages like Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP are highly favored for their simplicity. They act as powerful tools for swiftly building websites (see Django framework and Ruby on Rails), analyzing data, and automating tasks across various fields. These languages serve as the backbone, allowing us to easily transform our ideas into functioning reality, making programming more accessible and efficient.

High-level languages are often scripted, where code is interpreted and executed line-by-line, enabling interactive programming sessions. A prime example of a scripted language is Python. Additionally, other high-level languages are commonly compiled into bytecode, such as Java, which is an optimized and space-efficient version of the code. This bytecode is later translated, in real-time, into machine code—language directly understood by the computer—by a virtual machine. This process enhances portability across various computer systems, illustrated by Java and its Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Medium-Level Programming Languages

Descending to medium-level languages, like C, C++, and Rust, we find a balance between performance and abstraction. For example, C++ gives the programmer access to many of a computer's hardware resources, such as, but not limited to, RAM and harddisk space (note that when running within an operating system, this hardware access is often through a virtual interface). This heightened control is pivotal, especially for crafting games, high-performance applications demanding speed and efficiency, and embedded applications with limited resources, such as wearable technology. However, increased control in medium-level languages often means a greater chance for human error and longer development times.

To leverage the best of both high-level and medium-level worlds, you'll often witness libraries from high-level languages being written or re-written in medium-level languages. A prime example is the widely used NumPy library in Python. This practice allows users to benefit from the speed of a medium-level language while primarily working within a high-level language.

In contrast to high-level languages, medium-level languages are optimized and directly compiled into machine code. C++ is a great example of a language that follows this approach. While this process ensures faster execution, it demands meticulous coding, longer development times, and confines the compiled program to compatibility with a specific computer system. It's worth noting here that medium-level languages can often undergo multiple compilations in-parallel for multiple computer architectures, a method known as 'cross-compiling,' enabling them to run on multiple platforms.

Low-Level Programming Languages

Transitioning further down the programming hierarchy, we delve into the intricate world of low-level languages. Low-level languages—like Assembly, Fortran, and base machine code—are far less portable and can almost always only be used on a single platform. However, they often provide direct control over the computer's hardware systems. This precise control becomes indispensable for specialized tasks like developing the kernel of operating systems and working with embedded systems and devices.

In-terms of processing, low-level languages are generally compiled directly to machine code, like their medium-level language counterparts. However, as previously stated, low-level languages generally are not portable between computer architectures and remain confined to the platforms that they were designed specifically for.

Quick-Glance Software Language Level Comparison Table

Below is a table to help compare and contrast the main differences between software language levels.






Often scripted



Bytecode compilation




Machine code compilation




Development time












Closeup of Computer Code on Screen
Closeup of Computer Code on Screen

Blurring the Lines Between Software Language Levels

Many programming languages blur the distinctions between language levels, often sparking debates about their classification. For example, see this Quora thread and this Reddit post. For instance, C++ might be referred to as a high-level language in one discussion but labeled as a medium-level language in another, or a low-level language in another yet. This debate often hinges on how a language is viewed relative to others.

Two primary measures commonly determine a language's relative level: the abstraction of its syntax from actual machine code and the extent of optimization and compilation before runtime. Consider C++ as an example: its syntax significantly differs from machine code, empowering developers to translate abstract ideas into complex machine code. This level of abstraction, compared to an assembly language's direct representation of machine code patterns into fixed commands, positions C++ as a high-level language.

However, when you contrast C++'s level of abstraction and its compilation and optimization before runtime with Python's abstracted process that is interpreted on-the-fly with minimal runtime optimization, C++ appears more like a low-level language. This diversity in abstraction and runtime handling is why many consider C++ to be a medium-level language.

For the context of this article, we will categorize languages that undergo optimization and direct compilation into machine code before runtime, while also retaining the ability for programmers to directly control hardware, as medium-level languages. 

Collage of Programming Language Logos
Collage of Programming Language Logos | Credit: Cartoon D_Studio via Shutterstock

Programming Language Summary Table

Use this table for a quick glance summary of many of the most popular programming languages and how they relate to the concepts discussed in today’s article:



Processing Method


bytecode + virtual machine


Compiled into machine code


bytecode + virtual machine


Compiled into machine code


Compiled into machine code


bytecode + virtual machine




bytecode + virtual machine








Compiled into machine code


bytecode + virtual machine




Compiled into machine code

Wrapping Things Up

This is just the beginning of our journey into the world of programming languages. In future installments, we will explore how the various languages are structured and the rules they follow, delve into possible career paths each language could lead to, and discuss the evolving trends shaping the future of software development.

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